Thursday 3 July 2014

It was all going so well.. Then this happened...

Bad photo alert! I was beginning to feel really buoyed up by my progress. Fitting into clothes I haven't worn in years and moving around easier, and then this photo was taken of me last week. What a shock for me, STILL FAT. I've got to get this printed and put up before I get complacent. I think this is probably the worst photo taken of me ever!

FAT photos are important, they're a great motivator. Everyone has one. The photo that you don't quite recognise yourself in. The one that makes you think "do I really look like that?!". I have one stuck to the inside of my kitchen cupboard next to my FAT graph. Steve M suggests having this photo near you while you eat, carry it around with you even. 

I've dug out my FAT photos from the last 8 months. It's true I've managed to shift alot of that FAT but having adjusted my diet and way of thinking I've been a little stuck this week. I'm obviously eating to maintain my weight at the monent. I seem to go up and down during the week usually returning to just under what I was at the previous weigh in?? I need to change something...

Maybe I'll venture out for some exercise? It's going to take some arranging and time juggling but think I've got to be doing something proactive to keep the weight coming off. Sometimes it does feel insurmountable. The amount I have to get rid of is still so much. So let's review the progress so far. I'm hoping that this might be what I need to get back in charge of things.

FAT PHOTOS: This photo was taken last October. It's my starting point. Looking at it now I don't recognise myself at all. 

As I've said before I didn't weigh myself during pregnancy, I had enough to be worrying about so weight and 'being on a diet' went on hold for 9 months. Maybe if I'd been in better shape (or been a better  shape) I wouldn't have had the complications that I did. I certainly wouldn't have experienced the predjudice and judgement that's for sure. I'm just very grateful to have come through it alive so that now I have my body back, I can address my weight issues.

Then the photo below was taken in January. 

I lost some weight before Christmas but put some of it back on over Christmas. I look like Giant Haystacks in this photo! (he was a large wrestler in the 80s). I think that I was so relieved that pregnancy and birth was over that I possibly 'over relaxed' during the festive season. Far too much cheese and chocolate! 

I'm sharing these photos so there's no hiding from them for me. I seem to have become stuck where I am at the moment. Essentially this is a Blog of shame this week. I put on some lbs instead of melting them. Could this be an end to my spoon of Nutella in my porridge? Maybe so...?

This week I've been reading a selection of some of the other weight loss Blogs that are out there. I was disappointed because lots of these people have already lost all their weight. Not sure if it's just me but I really don't find that motivating to read? Great they've done it, good for them but how does that help me right now? I'm hoping this Blog is read by other people and that maybe something I try will help someone else. At any rate writing this is certainly keeping me focused. Like I said, it really does feel like the Blog of shame this week. Shame that I didn't stick to my plan enough, so frustrating.

And now... Time to get back on it. I need to go back to my action plan. One thing on that list was to buy a full length mirror. I don't own any full length mirrors at the moment so I need to sort that out. Steve M advises to use the full length mirror to motivate yourself, by looking at yourself in the mirror and giving yourself a pep talk. I love this idea and think it would really help. I like the idea of having a conversation with myself to set things straight and being tough on myself when I need to. Feeling really annoyed with myself this week. But as some people say, "turn that frown upside down". Got to stay positive and get back on track.

Thanks for reading. Until next time :)

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