Well to report, fish week was a blinding success. I lost 2lbs and have now fitted into a summer dress that I haven't worn for 8 years! Feeling inspired by this progress :)
This week I'll be trying a fitness calculator app, updating my fat graph and maybe printing an update of my FAT photo. I use this photo to motivate me daily but the one I have at the moment is from January so an update is called for.
Success at the drive thru: This week for the first time ever I drove through the drive thru at breakfast time and did not buy a breakfast. I did order a coffee (190 kcal) but I felt in control of my choice and was so happy to have resisted the junk.
I would say I've always loved food. As I child I kept a scrapbook of things I liked. In amongst the pages of Sindy and other toys, I had cut outs of Roast Potatoes and other selected products including frozen foods from the first freezer shop Bejam! For those who don't know, Bejam was a British frozen food retailer, it was bought by its rival Iceland in the late 80s. Bejam food photos weren't what I was expecting to see when I found the scrapbook a while back but it certainly made me chuckle.
Whilst I'm making some childhood food confessions I must also mention that I got so obsessed with hotdogs at one point that I couldn't resist an open tin of them in the household fridge. I devised a complicated plan of diversion and a smuggling technique which involved taking one hotdog, hiding it in a fluffy green pencil case and then hiding it under my pillow. I ate the hot dog after lights out much later. Sounds ridiculous, I know.
There is also the time I came across a smarties pencil sharpener during a clear out. Although I knew it was a smarties tube pencil sharpener for some reason this didn't stop me tasting the brown pencil sharpenings incase they were chocolate, of course they weren't, they were pencil sharpenings but worth a try??
Motivation: When I attended the workshop with Steve M he advised that there should be both pleasure and pain elements in your motivation plan. I have four of each in my plan.
Pleasure: * pin up the new outfit
* hang up the success chart
* wallpaper with affirmations
* be a role model to my children
Pain: * health jeopardy reminder
* carry the dreaded photo
* remind myself of the reality of being a FAT parent
* develop restaurant warning card/text myself (as discussed in last weeks Blog)
One of my motivation pain elements is 'Health jeopardy reminder'. And so.....to the fitness calculator app. There are so many fitness apps, trackers and calculators. I'm always checking out my bmi (body mass index) on the NHS website so I went for a free fitness calculator app which also looks at bmi and converts info to graphs. When I started my weight loss journey my bmi was 45.91. It's now 39.38 which isn't great but it's a hell of a lot better. The app reckons 30 is Obese so I really do have a way to go.
My goal is to lose another 90lbs which this app has calculated will take me 315 days to do and that's if I manage to lose 2lbs a week.
This app also looks at things I've never even heard of, BMR (basal metabolic rate). All information can then be converted into a graph, brilliant. I've taken all my measurements; hip, waist, wrist and forearm. I had to look up how to measure my forearm as had no clue but luckily YouTube had the answer. As it stands at the moment here are the stats!
I was so pleased with my progress last week that I e-mailed Steve M to let him know that his suggestions were working. After all, I'm following his advice as much as I can. Sticking to my 3 meals a day, eating 80/20 and using the motivational techniques in my plan. Well, I had an amazing response back from him and the offer of 1:1 support. I'm going to use this as a milestone goal. That really would spice up this Blog! I've really got to get results now. I'll aim for another stone to be melted away and reward myself with some further coaching.
And finally: I read an excellent article in the Guardian this week which really got me thinking. It suggested that images taken in the 1950s of some boys on a beach made them look scrawny and skinny when in fact they were normal. We've just got so used to seeing fat people that we don't know what normal is anymore. This is so true! FAT crept up on me. Suddenly I realised I was heading towards a MASSIVE FAT 22stone (308lbs) I probably was this weight during pregnancy as I didn't weigh myself I dont know for sure but I have some pretty horrendous photos as evidence. If you want to read the article:
Thanks for reading this weeks Blog.
Bis bald.