Thursday 12 June 2014

It's not fat it's loose muscle

Started the week with a beautiful e-mail from a close wonderful friend who liked my first attempt at a blog. So looks like I'm going to be doing this.....

The focus of this week has been following Steve M's stop, look and listen to stop any unwanted snacking and of course portion control. Absolutely motivated and excited to be ditching old FAT habits! Let's get on this.

Breakfast & Portion Control: For a long long time I didn't eat breakfast. I guess this changed during pregnancy as I tried to eat more balanced meals regularly. When your eating is growing someone you have to be responsible. So now eating breakfast is part of my healthy habit list, something I always aim to do.

I've discovered porridge. I bought microwave porridge which had a scoop to measure 2 scoops porridge: 4-5 scoops milk (or water) then 2 minutes in the microwave. Added a banana this morning. I've now realised you can use just normal porridge oats which are much cheaper & still use the scoop for optimum portion control. Breakfast sorted. The left over slice of toast from child's breakfast can call to me all it wants but I am not interested today. I will not be entertaining you!

10.30 and now the croissants have started up. Yeah I could totally eat one with a wonderful teaspoon of nutella but if I do then I'd have to say "fine, stay FAT" and that's too sad. When your day starts early there's more time to get sidetracked.

Nearly 12, that means lunch preparations. Took today's lunch order, pasta which was requested with boiled carrots and cheese.

Naughty naughty very naughty, ate 2  mini squares of choc caramel slice at tea time. 

I can not believe myself, less than 24 hours after I start a weight loss blog i'm craving a curry. Well NO: Microwave chilli [portion control] avocado and lime salad for dinner. Half a corona (to go with the lime of course). 

All in all I have successfully managed the week but I know I can do better to really stick to my 3 meals a day. I maybe need to be a bit tougher on myself. I've got to remind myself of the consequences of being too FAT. If I eat that cheeky choc square on impulse then it's gonna add on at the scales at my weekly weigh-in! I'm getting better at stopping at the fridge door but sometimes I do not listen and eat something anyway. Will continue to work on this. Changing habits is tough but so necessary at this point.

As i mentioned I do my own weigh in each week and I was a little lighter on the scales again this week. All good, all in the right direction but do feel I need to be more radical next week.

I have to be completely honest here, I did celebrate a good week with a feel good zinger tower burger for lunch. I'm going to fill out the survey on the receipt because it was the best zinger tower I have ever had. Packed with fiery salsa and salad. This was either due to a new and enthusiastic maker of the zinger or maybe just because I now appreciate this is a treat rather than a lazy lunch option??

The plan for next weeks fish week continues. One of my online shopping places emailed me today to tell me they've got up to half price on fresh & frozen fish till 15th June, well, good timing, that'll do nicely.

And finally to the title for this installment. A conversation that I had discussing whether a bulge was fat or maybe just loose muscle, this made me laugh. In my case I sadly can't claim that my problem is loose muscle :)

Thank you for reading. And if you are reading, please do comment and share your thoughts. Are you getting rid of fat too? Would love to know who is reading this and if anything is helpful. I'm certainly finding it motivating knowing that I'm putting all this up. Although if I am honest I did get a little obsessed and even sidetracked with this blog for the first couple of days but have calmed down a bit now. I'll be discussing lots more thoughts, experiences and ideas along the way so please do come along for the ride with me. Feeling optimistic. 

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