Wednesday 18 June 2014

Domino's send me texts and I like it.

Fish week is off to a flying start, griddled tuna steak with organic pots and veg. Yum. Salmon with roasted fennel & veg medley and rice :) Setting the menu with a random organic veg box and different fish for every night has revolutionised dinners this week. Not only is the colour fantastic but the flavours are a real treat.

It was my first attempt to take little people swimming today. Think even using the baby and toddler pool was over doing it a little. Recovery is so slow and frustrating because it seems even trying out little things end up reminding me that it's going to be some time before I'm able to exercise properly. That in itself has meant weight loss has had to be slower than I would have liked.

This week I've been really thinking about my 'attitude'. Instead of being down about things I'm really stopping myself and seeing the positive. Reminding myself of the consequences of being FAT, of being a FAT parent, really helps to focus me.

Restaurant visit: SUCESS !! Well I used another of Steve M's techniques. I had had the plan of making a restaurant warning card but after some thought realised that I really only open my purse at the end of a meal so my warning has to be something that is going to catch me at the correct time. So I used another Steve M suggestion, I texted myself. I used what I would have written on a warning card and it worked! " If you are FAT, think carefully b4 ordering! Watch out, you need to get into the 17s this week! And no creamy dressings at the salad bar!!!! ". I didn't take any dressings - no blue cheese or thousand island and I even dodged the croutons. I did add plenty of carrot and other healthy stuff. Can't say I overly enjoyed the salad bar on this occasion but no blow out, which felt great. For the menu my usual difficulty is choosing something as a healthy choice rather than out if habit. So this time I used the listed calories on the menu to guide my choice. The southern chicken was way too high, Veggie option even higher. Found a chicken wrap that appeared the best choice and even swapped out the chips for a jacket potato! Believe me, this is unprecedented ! In the past, in some places, I was not averse to ordering bottomless chips!

I was surprised at how powerful the text to myself had been. I texted myself whilst on route to the restaurant and read it much later before ordering. I think this is absolutely going to work. Even better than a static restaurant warning card as it means I can change it each time to fit the restaurant, my weigh and to influence the situation totally. Put myself in control.

All this talk of text messages leads me to the title of this instalment. Somehow by some turn of events, I've ended up on the list for text alerts from Domino's. They text me once every week or two. For example: "Any Size Pizza for £9.99, add a side for Delivery! Open late T&Cs Apply","Any Size Pizza £6.99 collect £9.99 deliver when u buy a side!" and "Buy One Pizza get another for ONLY £1! Open Late T&Cs Apply" I could go on! All sounds very tempting. The reason why I don't opt out, the reason why I love it, is because not only does it remind me just how much junk I used to eat as a matter of course but also every time I don't order I feel great. It isn't always easy and sometimes I've even lobbied that we order but I'm lucky because I live with someone who's a great buffer and extinguisher of my old lazy Fat ways.

As I'm getting to grips with this blog I'm learning how to add photos which will hopefully brighten things up. I'll definitely be fishing out my before and very before photos. However, on a recent trip out, a photo was taken of me. I was pleased as it shows my progress but there really is no time for complacency. 

Even though I weigh less than before pregnancy, less than when I got married, I feel more FAT now than I ever have before. I'm sure it's the change in mindset. When I woke up and really looked at myself I was shocked. I fit in those skinny Jeans I had in my wardrobe already but although 3 sizes less than last October I must do better. To keep my motivation going I bought a dress a couple of months ago (I can't remember the last time I even wore a dress!) a much smaller size down for £30! Believe me that's a real spend up for me these days. Well rather than just hang it up, I cut the price tag off it too and hung it up all ready to wear. Got to keep going. Weigh in tomorrow.... hoping I will be a bit closer to wearing it! 

Thanks muchly for reading, until the next time :) 

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