Sunday 8 June 2014

My first ever blog!! Day after Steve Miller's mindset and motivation workshop. Help me I woke up FAT!

This is my starting point, well the middle of it actually as I started all this in January. I'm Starting small and modest with this. I'll use this blog to motivate me, keep me in check and share my success. It's ups and downs so here's hoping for the ups. 

I'm the mum of two beautiful babies with my fair share of issues. I haven't had an easy ride with pregnancy or childbirth and now thankfully consider myself post pregnancy. This has given me the push to take responsibility for my fat. It's got to go. It's unhealthy, dangerous and unattractive. 

I've lost 3 stone and 2lbs (that's 44lbs?!) since last October. I knew that by now (June) I'd need a little more motivation so used my last remaining overdraft to book my place on a Steve Miller workshop. 

Known as a life bitch I really don't know what I was expecting. Maybe not tough love but some inspiring words of wisdom that I could take and transform my fat body into a not fat body. I know the not fat body is in there somewhere, I used to have one but its got a little lost along the way.

Don't travel much and didn't think to check trains. Ended up hopping on and off of trains to get to a tube to get me to Russell Square. Sunny when I got the tube, torrential rain when I emerged. I have no sense of direction and the rain on my glasses meant i couldn't see much   either. So thankful to the lovely receptionist in random building on Woburn Place, who not only gave me directions but printed me a map. Arrived at the seminar room just in the nick of, looking like a drowned rat. Know how to make an entrance :) 

Won't go into too much detail here, except to say: I listened, wrote lots of notes, joined in where I could, tried self-hypnosis, got upset, got pissed off, wrote my action plan, talked to Steve, got more upset, got some inspiration in my book, ran for train home.

And so today....
Went shopping and resisted the bread products: bagels, wraps and sliced bread! 

E-mailed Steve and shared my fat photo.

Ate a cooked breakfast (not too many calories) was my breakfast and lunch. Lovely dinner: soup and lovely salad. Planned a fish week for next week. 

Time to get my ACTION PLAN going! Feeling excited :)
1) Portion control
2) Motivation [with equal measure of pleasure & pain]
3) Self hypnosis
4) Install full length mirror for those all important pep talks.
5) Observe fat people habits to move me away from my fat life. 
6) Emotional eating: Don't even go there! 
I know i have a lot to do. That's the plan lets see what happens....

Fished out my old self hypnosis book.
Feeling optimistic :) 

I will be in CONTROL of food. 

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